Understanding The African Gold Market Trends


Africa is very rich in mineral resources, with the most gold resources in the world. Historically, African countries have been exporting their gold primarily to nearby countries. Recently though, these countries have started exporting gold to other parts of the world as well. This trend has increased over the years and continues to grow in popularity for many reasons.

Understanding The African Gold Market Trends

Gold has always been seen as a very valuable material that is either traded or used as currency. Ever since the first coins were made with gold, it has been used as currency. Because of this, gold has always had value that is beyond its material form. It is estimated that there is over $500 billion worth of African gold in circulation today.

As previously mentioned, historically, African countries have been exporting most of their gold to nearby countries. This was mostly because it was hard to export and transport large amounts of African Gold. In the last few decades, though, Africa’s involvement in mining has increased exponentially. The reasons behind this include the increase in demand for African gold, the existence of different new companies that are supporting partnerships with African countries, and the increase in technological development.

New Mining Companies

With the rise in globalization, there has also been a rise in new mining companies. In the past, mines were usually only owned by a government or organization. But with globalization and technological advancements, there has been a rise in individual ownership of mines. These mines may have been small in size but they are also very profitable. One example is Sibanye Gold, an Australian company that owns a large gold mine in South Africa. The mine has been very efficient and continues to be successful despite the decline of the local economy. The new companies that have opened mines make it so anyone can take part in what is called a “gold rush.”

The Mining Process

The African gold market trends are greatly influenced by the mining process. Mining is a very difficult process that has high costs and risks. The first step to mining is finding the location of the gold by identifying areas with high mineral content. Next, a company called a “gold exploration firm” will drill in the area to determine whether or not there is enough gold to form a mine. They will also take core samples and other types of samples to see what they are dealing with. After they have confirmed that there is enough gold, they will begin building a mine. The construction process is a very complex process that many people do not understand.

Market Size

The market size of the African gold market has been growing over the last few years. This trend is mostly due to the new mining operations that continue to open. In 1998, the African trade of gold was valued at $4 billion. As of last year, the price had increased to more than $19 billion. This is a significant increase that is mostly due to global demand for African gold and the increased production in African mines.

With this increase in trade, many people have started replicating the process by creating their mines. Entrepreneurs have gotten involved with these mines which has led to an improvement in their economy. In a way, this slight economic recovery has allowed citizens to buy more goods and services which has increased the African gold market trends.


The African gold market trends have always been growing. The majority of the growth is due to the opening of new mines in different countries. Other factors include technological advancements, foreign partnerships, and an increase in demand for African Gold all over the world. This is a trend that will continue to grow as long as these factors continue to exist.

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